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Significant Accomplishments

Virginia Beach Drug Treatment Court (VBDTC)

Drug Addiction Requires Treatment and Can Save Taxpayer Money and Decrease Recidivism

My teammates and I were instrumental in developing the Virginia Beach Drug Treatment Court (VBDTC). I believe non-violent offenders experiencing drug addiction need treatment rather than incarceration. That’s why I support the VBDTC - a post-arrest specialty court that provides non-violent defendants with drug addiction an opportunity to be rehabilitated. Participants are closely monitored throughout several phases and are required to report regularly to their treatment providers, maintain employment, complete community service, live in a stable, drug-free environment, and submit to random drug testing.  Sanctions, incentives and rewards are imposed throughout the program to help participants stay on track. It is estimated that approximately $15-20,000 is saved per VBDTC graduate compared to the cost of them serving time in jail or prison.  I have dedicated a Deputy Commonwealth’s Attorney and a paralegal, who serves as the Drug Court Administrator, to the VBDTC and they work with other agencies and partners to promote positive outcomes and court efficiencies.


While the VBDTC serves those experiencing drug addiction who have ended up in the criminal justice system, I do not tolerate drug dealers who prey upon those who are addicted to substances. I firmly believe there is a difference between someone in need of help and a drug dealer who continues to make a profit by putting dangerous and deadly substances into the community. 

First Step Program

An Alternative to Arrest

I took the initiative to create The First Step for Virginia Beach residents.  This provides those experiencing addiction with an alternative to arrest.  The goal of The First Step Program is to divert people before they even get to the criminal justice system.  Any Virginia Beach resident experiencing opioid addiction who decides they would like help may walk into a police precinct and be screened for entry into drug rehabilitation and recovery services.  Several City of Virginia Beach and private sector departments/agencies work together to determine the best course of treatment for the individual.  I hope that this unique opportunity will prevent people from sitting in jail when treatment is the better course of action.

Helping Vulnerable Populations 

Community Service Beyond Public Safety

I have unwavering passion for helping Virginia Beach’s most vulnerable populations: children and the elderly. 


My team and I speak regularly to Virginia Beach children and teens about making smart choices through our partnership with the Attorney General’s Virginia Rules Program. I strive to prevent juvenile crime and protect children from becoming victims of crime. I’m also passionate about speaking to Virginia Beach parents through school and community events. 


My staff and I  also frequently visit community and senior citizen groups to inform and advise them about protecting themselves from scams and fraud.  We are proud to deliver Meals on Wheels to the homebound.


Saving Lives Saves Family Heartbreak

In an effort to save lives, my office purchased 300 two-dose cartons of Narcan Nasal Spray.  Narcan is a life-saving emergency treatment for known or suspected opioid overdose.  For this project, we used $22,500 of funds forfeited by drug dealers and other criminals rather than tax dollars. I’m very proud to put a great portion of these asset forfeiture funds towards life-saving drug treatment and programs.

Dedicated to Domestic Violence Prosecution 

DV Victims Need Compassion, Safety and Support

Domestic violence too often turns deadly.  Although

not required or funded to provide a prosecutor in misdemeanor domestic violence cases, I make it a priority to do so.  I believe a domestic violence victim should have support throughout the criminal justice process, which includes assigning a prosecutor and a victim-witness advocate for all domestic violence cases. I partner with many community groups dedicated to helping victims of family violence, including Samaritan House and Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA), in addition to speaking to community groups about

the services and support available for domestic

violence victims.

Keeping our Roads Safe

DUIs Won’t be Tolerated

Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol cannot be tolerated in a safe community. My dedication to keeping Virginia Beach safe led me to form a specialized prosecution team to handle every DUI case with precision and care. This team also specializes in prosecuting traffic-related fatalities, serious injury cases and impaired, distracted and unsafe drivers.  We work closely with law enforcement agencies to keep them well-trained and informed of new DUI laws.

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